Dual Match England - Wales 8:10

Hereford, England

February 21, 2015

69kg Rosie Eccles WAL Laura Stevens ENG 3:0
56kg Kyle Morrison WAL Connor Jones ENG 2:1
60kg Ash Talleghani ENG Jamie Moss WAL 2:1
60kg Nico Morrison WAL Mo Gharib ENG 3:0
64kg Gavin Gwynne WAL Ryan Turner ENG 2:1
69kg Jordan Thompson ENG Jordan Thomas WAL 2:1
69kg Kieran Gethin WAL Michael Pardoe ENG 2:1
81kg Richard Robinson ENG Sam Pickering WAL 2:1
91kg Ryan Hatton ENG David Walker WAL 3:0

thanks to Geert Willems; sources: "Boxing News" - March 12, 2015, www.abae.co.uk and www.herefordtimes.com 

Duals Index | 2015 Results