Duals The Netherlands - Ireland

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

October 28, 2006

based on http://www.iaba.ie and http://www.boksen.nl


2006-10-28 66kg Marichelle de Jong HOL Alanna Murphy IRL 31:20
2006-10-28 73kg Maxime Koelemij HOL Laura O'Neill IRL 19:0

junior men

2006-10-28 64kg Rafik Haruntunjan HOL Eddie Myers IRL 15:12
2006-10-28 69kg Peter Mullenberg HOL David Joyce IRL 33:20


2006-10-28 57kg Ciaran Bates IRL Arsen Podjan HOL 21:14
2006-10-28 64kg John Rovers HOL Niall Murray IRL KO 1
2006-10-28 +91kg Joy Ignacia HOL Jacob Just DEN 39:15


2006 Results | Duals Index