4.Central American and Caribbean Games

Estadio Nacional, Panama City, Panama

February 17-22, 1938


1938-02-17 50,8kg Jose Herrera MEX Antonio Carrillo PAN PTS
1938-02-18 53,5kg Fidel Ortiz MEX Jorge Estrada CUB PTS
1938-02-18 61,2kg Jose Monserrate Basora PUR Emilio Castrillo Villalobos COS PTS
1938-02-19 61,2kg Armando Diaz CUB Juan Lorenzo PAN PTS
1938-02-18 61,2kg Raul Gaona MEX Felix Robles VEN PTS
1938-02-18 66,7kg Alfredo Stewart PAN Antolin Estevez CUB PTS
1938-02-18 66,7kg Lorenzo Arzaluz MEX Arthur Joseph JAM WO.


1938-02-17 50,8kg Jose Cheo Aponte PUR Raul Sanguily CUB PTS
1938-02-20 50,8kg Jose Herrera MEX Frederick Thompson JAM KO
1938-02-18 53,5kg Leucadio Torres PAN Guillermo Palou PUR PTS
1938-02-20 53,5kg Fidel Ortiz MEX Albert Johnson JAM PTS
1938-02-17 57,2kg Enrique Cardoso MEX Ramon Anton Tartak PUR PTS
1938-02-17 57,2kg Mario Baeza CUB Raul Becker PAN PTS
1938-02-20 61,2kg Cyril Cameron JAM Raul Gaona MEX PTS
1938-02-21 61,2kg Jose Monserrate Basora PUR Armando Diaz CUB WO.
1938-02-21 66,7kg Alfredo Stewart PAN Ernesto Morales PUR TKO
1938-02-21 66,7kg Lorenzo Arzaluz MEX Victor Mejias VEN PTS
1938-02-17 72,6kg Ignacio Marquez MEX Gaspar Segrera CUB JURY
1938-02-17 72,6kg Chester Jones PAN Lancelot Walker JAM PTS
1938-02-19 79,4kg Theodore Wint JAM Eleuterio Rivera PUR TKO
1938-02-19 79,4kg Edgar Edgill PAN Juan Valdes CUB KO
1938-02-20 +79,4kg Jack Ryan PAN Wilfredo Ferrer CUB WO.
1938-02-20 +79,4kg Jose Fonseca MEX Fernando Luis Torres PUR WO.

First decision in bout Marquez-Segrera was a draw. Then referre gave a victory to Cuban. Mexican team protested and jury decided that the fight would be repeat. Cuban team did not accept this decision and retired from all competition.

Third Place Bouts

1938-02-?? 50,8kg Frederick Thompson JAM Raul Sanguily CUB WO.
1938-02-?? 53,5kg Albert Johnson JAM Guillermo Palou PUR ???
1938-02-?? 57,2kg Raul Becker PAN --- --- ---
1938-02-?? 61,2kg Raul Gaona MEX Armando Diaz CUB WO.
1938-02-22 66,7kg Victor Mejias VEN Ernesto Morales PUR WO.
1938-02-?? 72,6kg Lancelot Walker JAM Gaspar Segrera CUB WO.
1938-02-21 79,4kg Eleuterio Rivera PUR Juan Valdes CUB WO.


1938-02-22 50,8kg Jose Cheo Aponte PUR Jose Herrera MEX PTS
1938-02-22 53,5kg Fidel Ortiz MEX Leucadio Torres PAN PTS
1938-02-22 57,2kg Enrique Cardoso MEX Mario Baeza CUB WO.
1938-02-22 61,2kg Jose Monserrate Basora PUR Cyril Cameron JAM PTS
1938-02-22 66,7kg Alfredo Stewart PAN Lorenzo Arzaluz MEX PTS
1938-02-22 72,6kg Ignacio Marquez MEX Chester Jones PAN PTS
1938-02-22 79,4kg Theodore Wint JAM Edgar Edgill PAN PTS
1938-02-22 +79,4kg Jack Ryan PAN Jose Fonseca MEX KO

Due a Cuban team retirement Jury announced decision: Tartak took silver medal, Baeza without medal

source: 4.Central American and Caribbean Games Official Report

Games History | 1938 Results